"My parodies have always fallen under what the courts call 'fair use,' and this one was no different, legally allowing me to record and release it without permission," Al wrote in a post called "THE GAGA SAGA" on his blog Wednesday. "But it has always been my personal policy to get the consent of the original artist before including my parodies on any album, so of course I will respect Gaga's wishes. However, given the circumstances, I have no problem with allowing people to hear it online, because I also have a personal policy not to completely waste my stinking time."
However, it turns out Gaga had never even heard the song she supposedly rejected. In a second, later blog, titled "GAGA UPDATE," Al wrote: "After putting my Lady Gaga parody on YouTube this morning--and announcing that it wouldn't be on my next album because Gaga didn't approve it--there was a huge outpouring of disappointment from the Internet. Apparently the fact that she didn't approve it was news to Lady Gaga herself! Gaga's manager has now admitted that he never forwarded my parody to Gaga--she had no idea at all. Even though we assumed that Gaga herself was the one making the decision (because, well, that's what we were TOLD), he apparently made the decision completely on his own. He's sorry. And Gaga loves the song."
Added Al: "I'm thrilled on many levels to hear this, because 1) I truly respect and admire Gaga as an artist and it pained me to think of her as having less than a great sense of humor, and 2) it means I GET TO PUT OUT MY ALBUM!"
So now that Gaga has given Al the thumbs-up, get ready to see Al outdo himself in the "I Perform This Way" video. We shall soon see Al's poker face onscreen!
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